
Extra Pedestrials

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30 Second Film Noir ? – CONTEST

You may write a story or download and edit the mini noir from VIMEO. [Click VIMEO icon at bottom right of the video screen, below] An elite group of art/film experts will not decide the finalists.  Deadline Sept. 1, 2018, or, 1000 submissions, whichever comes first.  All communication through Contact page on this website.     […]

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Match Day

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The BOOT as Allegory. The “Jack Boot” is a classic allegory for oppression. Speak truth to power, before it’s too late. Hey, we can’t change it, if we don’t recognize it’s upon us. Resist! Check out this image, (and more) on t-shirts, at the SHOP.                     […]

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Super Brooklyn

Mandad has designed a Pop Art logo, representing the crazy new image of Brooklyn. Brooklyn remains a large diverse city of over 2 million people, but the popular Zeitgeist creates a cardbord/cartoon Brooklyn in the mind of people who don’t live here. Yo Brooklynites, can I hear an “Amen”? Check out the SHOP for the […]

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